Hi Everyone!
Are you all ready for this new 2013 Market Season?!
2013 Dates and fees have been set:
Irving Community Vendors 2013 Membership Fee:
2013 Membership: $15.00 (This covers your insurance costs for the entire Market year)
Craft Supply Sale : SATURDAY MARCH 2 9am-5pm
* Set up available the evening before; booth spaces are indoors,
This market day is for the sale of new and used craft supplies, tools, etc- an opportunity for you to clean out your craft rooms and make room for new stuff! Or just to shop! :)
Market Day Registration: THIRD SATURDAY MAY-SEPTEMBER 10am-4pm
($5/ booth)
*We are moving to the THIRD Saturday May-September, to avoid holiday weekends.
* Set up starts at 8:30 am; booth spaces are outdoors, 10’x10’
Sat May 18
Sat June 15
Sat July 20
Sat August 17
Sat September 21
Note: One Market Day booth is included in your $15 membership fee.
($5/ booth if attended 3/more
regular Market days; otherwise $10/booth)
* Set up available the evening before; booth spaces are
indoor, 5’x6’
Get all of the forms here and submit them to participate in any of this year's markets! Looking forward to hearing from you and having you join the fun!